Artificial Intelligence Lists

Emerging Technologies for mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

The role of information communication technology rapidly changes and helping to human society. ICT focus to control and communicate the society to develop awareness and measure related information need to society. Current scenarios ICT helps to control novel coronavirus COVID-19. Worldwide use different technology to control and prevent the COVID-19 daises like contract tracing mobile application, GPS application, Medical Surveillance drone, and Telemedicine, etc. COVID-19 Pandemic ICT also helps to learn and expose the knowledge from online mediums. This study highlights the covid19 impact on the global economy and technological impact to control as well as prevent mechanisms using the latest technology.

A.IoT & IoMT

The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is also known as healthcare IoT, which is a combination of medical devices and software applications offering extensive healthcare services, that are connected to provide the health services with collaborating the IT System and Medical Devices. Application of IoMT includes: Monitoring patients from a remote location, tracking medication orders, using wearable’s to transmit health information to the concerned health care professionals.

Some IoMT uses to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic are:

  1. Smart Thermometer

It is a thermometer which is used to screen people for high fever, and shows its result to the mobile devices and also keep a record on cloud and help health professional and policy level persons to find out the flu or pandemic status. It is developed eight years age and developed by the US health technology company name Kinsa. This thermometer was initially developed to track the common flu; they are nevertheless, proving to be highly useful in identifying the potential COVID-19 cluster throughout the USA.

  1. IoT Buttons

The buttons are designed by Visionstae as its first IoT buttons. Which is used by hospitals in Vancouver? These buttons are also called as Wanda Quick Touch, were designed for rapid deployment in any facility, irrespective of their size, irrespective of their size, in order to issue prompt alerts to the management, warning them of any sanitation or maintenance issue that may pose a risk to public safety.

  1. Telemedicine

This technology is widely used in most of the countries. The telemedicine includes video consulting live Facebook webinars.

B.Drone Technology

  • Crowd Surveillance
  • Public Announcement
  • Screening Masses
  • Spraying disinfectants
  • Delivery of Medical Supplies and Other Essentials.


  • Medical Robots
  • Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)


  • Estimote Workplace Level Contact Tracing
  • LifeSignals Biosensor Patch


  • Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Voice Detection
  • GPS System
  • Bluetooth


  • Disease Surveillance
  • Risk Prediction
  • Medical Diagnosis And Screening
  • Curative Research
  • Virus Modeling And Analysis
  • Host Identification
  • Busting Fake News
  • Enforcing The Lockdown Measures


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