Communications (chapter4)

Communications Meaning, individual perception and communications, effective communications network, Organizational communications, and the grapevine, improving communications process, the linking pin, communications breakdown, barriers to communications   Meaning Communication is the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information. For this, the person who wants to send message uses means like load speaker, telephone, letter, email, […]


What is STEM? Why STEM Education is Vital for Kids.

What is STEM? Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are largely used to influence innovative solutions to our world’s problems. Day-to-day decisions are increasingly being driven by data, with 90% of the world’s data generated just in the last two years. The proliferation of global access to mobile technology, the internet, and other innovations indicates […]


Absolute and Relative URLs

Absolute − An absolute URL is the complete address of a resource. For example  Relative − A relative URL indicates where the resource is in relation to the current page. THE given URL is added with the <base> element to form a complete URL. For example /html/html_text_links.htm The subsections that follow provide a summary of the […]


How to Make a Simple Calculator in Java

Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to […]


Analysis of Web Application Security Context in Nepal

This analysis will be finding out the website/web applications security level and to provide some basic guidelines for protecting our data from unauthorized users. Now a day’s context of Nepal many government sectors, as well as private-sector apps, lose the data. This research type project helps to find out the web security dimension needs to […]

Coding Tips PHP WordPress

How to Create Breaking Post with feature image on WordPress Site Code Example:

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. <?php $recent_posts = wp_get_recent_posts(array( ‘numberposts’ => 2, // Number of recent posts thumbnails to display ‘post_status’ => ‘publish’ // Show only the published posts )); foreach($recent_posts as $post) : ?> <center> <a href=”<?php echo get_permalink($post[‘ID’]) […]