C++ supports a large number of data types. Thus built in or basic data types supported by c++ are integer, floating point and character type. A brief discussion on these three data types. 1. BUILET-IN DATA TYPES A. Integer data types (int):– it accepts numeric data such as numbers. Short Long Unsigned B. Floating point […]
What is Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm? Explain basic concepts OOP.
Object-oriented programming (oop) is a programming paradigm that represents the concept of “object” that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. An object can be considered a “thing” that can perform a set of related activities. The set of activities that the object performs defines the object’s behaviour. […]
write a c program to show the use of post and pre decrement function
/* using decrementer */ #include void main() { int i,j; int x,y; j = i=6; printf(” initial value i = %d\n”, j); x = i–; printf(“x= i–, value of x = %d, and value of i = %d\n”, x,i); i = j; y = –i; printf(“initial value i = %d\n”, j); printf(“y = –i, value […]
C program to show the example of post and pre Increment
/* using incrementer */ #include void main() { int i,j; int x,y; j=i=6; printf(“initial value of i = %d\n”,j); x=i++; printf(“x=i++, value of x=%d, and value of i=%d\n”,x,i); //post increment i=j; y=++i; printf(“initial value i = %d\n”,j); printf(“y=++i, value of y=%d, and value of i=%d\n”,y,i); // pre increment } run initial value of i = […]
Write a c program to show the example of increment operator
#include void main() { int a=8, b=2, x=8, y=2, sum1, sum2; /* Increment then add */ sum1=a+(++b); /* Add then increment */ sum2=x+(y++); printf(“\nSUM1=%d”,sum1); printf(“\nSUM2=%d”,sum2); } run SUM1=11 SUM2=10
write a c program to print the Area of a circle?
#define PI 3.14 #include void main() { float r=5.25; float area; area = PI*r*r; printf(“\n Area of a circle = %f”, area); } Compile: Area of a circle = 86.546249 ——————————– Process exited after 0.04764 seconds with return value 30 Press any key to continue . . .
Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram down for social media users as sites crash
Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp all appear to be down with thousands of users reporting a major outage. The three social media giants are all experiencing problems in a global outage, according to DownDetector. Social media users who tried to access Facebook received a message which read: “Sorry, something went wrong. We’re working on it and will fix […]
Crypto-Arithmetic Problem
It is a mathematical puzzle, where the numbers are represented by letters or symbols. Each letter represents a unique digit. The goal is to find the digits such that a given mathematical equation is verified. In general, there are few variables in form of letters which is to be assigned numeric values in the range […]
Keyboard shortcuts in Windows
Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide an alternative way to do something that you’d typically do with a mouse Key To-Do function Ctrl + X Cut the selected item. Ctrl + C Copy the selected item. Ctrl + V Paste the selected item. Ctrl + Z Undo an action Alt + […]