
HTTP Status Code

Hypertext Transfer Protocol status codes are issued by  Server response to their clients.Some of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol lists is mention below: Information Response Redirection messages Client error responses Server error responses Descriptions CODE MESSAGE   200 ok 204 No Content 2. Redirection messages 301 Moved Permanently 302 Found / Moved Temporarily 304 Not Modified 307 Temporary […]


Top Best Programmers in the World

Here, I have listed Top 5 Best Computer Programmers in the world who have contributed  a lot of things in their lifetimes. There is no doubt that these programmers innovation and contribution changed our lifestyle in the modern era. Coding might be a tough task for normal programmers but it is the simplest thing to […]


The best programming languages to learn in 2020

The most important skill to learn in today’s world is to know how to write a computer program. These days, to store and access information, you absolutely need computers. As we can see that technology is changing drastically after every year. There is high need of good programmers in upcoming years. According to EDC, there […]